Saturday, July 31, 2010


Kyan- total energy ball, if I ever saw one!

My little kids...(L-R) Lilian, Emily, Kyan, Jay and Kendra

Rae and's amazing they are not running around...hmmm..

I love these little bundles of joy. 
(L-R) Jenny, Me, Eason, Rae, Bryson and Elaine

Rae and Katrina...aren't they cute little things??

We are "supposed" to be making CATS...I think we got off track...
Kendra and Lilian. Cute lil buttons.

Is it legal to say I have a FAVORITE???
I seriously love Cooper!! He is a sheer delight!

I teach Kindergarten, with the children varying in ages. Usually though, they are about 3-4 years old. They are so smart and a surprisingly large amount of English. Bless their cute little souls. Right now I am in charge of Creative Exploration, an area which allows the children to use English in a creative manner. We have made cat masks, parachutes, butterflys, and next week we are reading Brown Bear, Brown bear-then we are making bear masks...hopefully they enjoy!! I love teaching these cute little kids..they seriously are super sweet, and I just want to squish their little cheeks.


  1. Those little kids are soooooo cute!!! I see what you mean when you say you could just squish their little cheeks! Good pictures!

  2. Cute kids! So fun to see the kids that you are teaching. It sounds like you are doing some fun things with them - good job Libs!
