Thursday, February 23, 2012


I'll be the first to admit... I like jokes. I like to laugh. I like to pull pranks. Well, sometimes my bizarre imagination takes me beyond my own comfort zone (some would argue, I don't have a comfort zone). But I do. Yes, indeed. Although the years roll by, and I get older, I choose to embrace the...unique side of life (possibly meaning, I don't act my age? Whoops). Together, my friend and I have definitely overstepped our boundaries, overstayed our welcome and have caused minor scenes whenever we embark on a new journey. It all started with the mustache... (the mustache of glory... or to be more exact, the traveling stache). No mustaches sported here.. no, no. Not this time. Consider this a new approach... 
Here is a small tale of two, outlandishly amiable ladies.

On one such outing, Lola & Beulah took local stores by storm. And the sad part... nobody knew they were coming. 
 Gardening? Please, they're hats.
(Martha would be...shocked!)

 Ode to Taiwan, of course.
(Shed a tear, or ten.)

 Elmo loves Erin.
(They exchanged phone numbers after the photo shoot)

 I think I love Elmo.
(Guffaws of laughter and gawkish stares begin to ripple through the store)

"No stopping there," Lola & Beulah shout. 
"We must continue the photo shoot!"

In the Fabric section, you might spy a Gypsy
who then becomes acquainted with :

who then starts tapping her toes to the beat of a special musical guest :

Michael Jackson,
who just so happens to be filming his music video, entitled :
"Remember the Time" 

- Scene change -
(But for story sake, it's really a store change)

As Lola & Beulah rummage through some odds and ends, something catches their eye...
 Slippery plastic suits? 
Why yes, because everyone should have one.

 Lola gets stage fright...
"Maybe I have gone too far.." she thinks.

 Necessary head gear ...
(Because a trip to Russia is in order)

Which leads to the ultimate of ultimates :

 .....Meow Meow Lullaby, of course.
(I am just a kitten, hardly fit my mittens
Much too small I figure, one day I'll be bigger.)

I want to be ready, in case I meet a Leprechaun...

 Who's. That. Lady?
(Who's that Lady?)

 I hear we have to learn the ways of  mountain men, because homes might be destroyed in the near future.

 Because the Spice Girls would be proud
(I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want)

If you want Lola & Beulah to make a cameo visit to your favorite local store, be sure and let us know. We have plenty of camera space, peace signs, wild imaginations and story lines that could very soon make it your very own hometown.  Be on the lookout!