Friday, December 2, 2011

REFLECTIONS: has it really almost been ONE year?

An ode, if you will: 
I was thinking... I have been home from Taiwan almost a year now. Oh dear. What now?
'Tis a reflection of some struggles and some enlightening moments over the past year.

Wonders, loves and dreams have been fulfilled this past year. Although my "list" is still FULL of much anticipated happenings, I have been pleased with every pen mark, crossing off such delights. Hmmmm, where to begin. The summer passed by (much too quickly, unfortunately) in a wink. I barely made time to make a pit stop and devour a lush, cold dessert at Zeppe's Italian ice...much to my dismay,  has since closed its' doors as the winter chill is now ever apparent. Darn. Dang hippies.

 Boo Hoo.
In all honesty, great sadness has come upon me. Yes, it's true: my traveling has come to an excruciating halt. I guess I realized it was time to "grow up" and get a job, and earn a decent, respectable name for myself. So after being home from Taiwan for almost 4 months, I began to fear. For you see, I was unemployed and missing Taiwan. I didn't want to find work. I wanted to go back to Taiwan. But... amongst all the job hunting, sleepless nights and fear of being useless, I am happy to report that I am employed and have been for the past 6 months. Although grateful for my new found delightfully chaotic lifestyle at work, I must say, traveling is ALWAYS, always on my mind. I have some sites already jotted down, money saving as we speak, and plans drafting... for I have a dream. A dream to see, experience and explore. 

Time to admit that I am somewhat discombobulated, so pardon the jumble.
Highlights of the year include:

1) Berhan Reunion
TIC at its finest moments. Mustaches, creeping around and facial masks were all represented.

2) Kayaking on my birthday:

3) Sporting Red.

4) Watching, leaping and loving.

5) Staches.

6) Matzeltov: 
Celebrating Matisyahu, Jewish musician.

7) Service.

8) Gallivanting:

9) Reminiscing.

10) Being a fan.

11) Indulgence.

12) The Decemberists.

13) Moab & Goblin Valley

14) Zipline and Scariness. 

15) The King of Pop.

16) City & Colour concert (this man is a genius!)

17)  Isn't that...Leonardo?
This little showing, is a handmade animation film, produced by my friend, Devin. Check out his skills)

Who loves Taiwan?? I DO.

I love this little island. Yes, it's Taiwan!

and of course, fame in the making...

Wow.. I need a drink. A drink of water, that is. That was fun to go back through the months...I am so glad that camera's were invented. I sure love to document. Bless their soul (full of micro chips, and cold steel/metal). What are camera's even made out of? Anyway, as December is here, and the year is almost over, I realize that this year has been full of many gallivants of delight, treasures, adorable company and captivating (matzeltov) moments. How truly blessed I am. I am anticipating the Christmas season, and the magical feeling I get at this time of year.

As a means to close this post, I have four words remaining-
Charity. My new goal. 

Click on "older posts," to read about my adventure to the East Coast.